I'm really afraid of having two kids. This pregnancy was definitely planned, but I find myself worrying about how on earth I'm going to keep up with a baby and a toddler. Just being pregnant with a toddler is difficult. It's not as easy to just lay down when I'm feeling crappy, and having someone giggling hysterically while you puke is odd. I can't wait for the 2nd trimester. This part of pregnancy just sucks. I know once we get to the part where the new baby is walking around and playing, it's going to be awesome to have them this close together. And I really can't wait to see Jackson as a big brother. He adores babies.
Weight: I'm fluctuating between the same 3 lbs still. I'd love to get out of the 1st trimester with minimal weight gain.
Maternity clothes: None needed.
Cravings and Aversions: Same as last week, and also the smell of meat and cheese is disgusting.
Sleep: I'm just going to bed really early, like 9 or 9:30, and I'm very tired by late afternoon.
Gender: 9 weeks until we can find out! That's not so long, right?
Name: Nothing new here, still probably William or Madeline
Health: Oh yea, apparently if my blood pressure stays high at appointments I get to do a 24 hour urine collection. Awesome.
Movement: The phantom kicks are driving me crazy. I know it's nowhere near possible to feel anything from my 7 week old, 3/4" embryo, but I am getting "kicks" and "flutters" all the time.
Weird Symptoms: New this week! I have round ligament pain and Braxton Hicks contractions already! Both suprised me, because I didn't get them until the 2nd trimester last time.
Best Moment This Week: This week kind of sucked, but Jackson discovered stickers, and he loves them. That was cute.
Looking forward to: The ultrasound on Tuesday. Did you know they put a condom on the wand to keep it clean? True story.
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