So I took a belly picture, but there's no way I'm putting it on the internet. Once there's an actual baby bump, I'll do belly picture. I had my first OB visit Tuesday. It didn't really go all that well. Christopher couldn't make it, so I had Jackson with me alone. Jackson was about to throw a tantrum in the waiting room, so I offered to nurse him.
He actually does this cute new thing where he nods his head yes and says mmmhmmmm! but he kind of breathes it out so it sounds more like fum fum, and each fum gets its own head nod. He doesn't always stop at two. Really funny. Anyways.
Well as soon as he latched on the nurse walked out and called me back. As I'm trying to wrangle him around and into the stroller so I can be weighed (awesome) and the urine sample (my fave), she starts telling me that I need to quit breastfeeding. This caught me totally off guard. I would expect that advice from a great grandmother, but pretty much every one else living in this century realizes that advice is moronic. Not to mention, inappropriate to give if you are not a doctor and the person you are advising is actively wrestling a 1.5 year old trying to meet with an actual doctor. I said something to the effect of no, but I'll be sure to talk to the doctor about it.
Obviously, the doctor didn't have a problem with it, provided I take a prenatal vitamin. Duh? I've been taking those since 2010. She also offered me an elective c-section, because Jackson got sort of stuck on the way out. I'm not entirely sure I'm going to stay with this practice.
The bad part though, was the ultrasound. The baby is measuring 5 days to a week behind (different parts measured different dates). I'm not wrong about my dates. There is absolutely no way I'm not as far along as I thought I was. I got a positive pregnancy test 10 days past ovulation. It's really just not possible to get a positive even 5 days earlier than that. The thing is still in your fallopian tubes at that point. She wouldn't order beta levels, and I have to wait 2 weeks for another ultrasound. I'm trying to make peace with this. Hopefully it's just because it's so early that the measurements are easy to screw up, but the tech measured twice. There was no heartbeat. I mean that's a possibility, but I've heard of people seeing a heartbeat earlier than I'm supposed to be.
I guess if I implanted 2 days later than average, got a freakishly early positive test, and the 5 days early measurement were the correct one, it would only be a difference of 3 days, which I could much better handle. I just don't know how I'm supposed to walk around for 2 weeks with the idea that this is not a viable pregnancy in my head.. The doctor wasn't worried, but she also isn't the one whose baby is way too small.
On the plus side, I'm getting more symptoms, so that's a good sign. Hopefully the measurements are just off and in two weeks I'll see a caught up baby with a heartbeat that we can even hear. In the mean time, I'm working under the assumption that I'm still pregnant with a baby I get to keep.
Weight: Down 1-3 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: None needed.
Cravings and Aversions: No cravings other than what I crave when I'm not pregnant. Aversions are more obvious. The smell of garlic makes me feel sick, but it still tastes just as delicious. If I eat garlic though, I get awful heartburn, so maybe I should listen to that aversion. I also am averse to any food in the morning, but if I don't eat, I start to feel sick. This is all much better than last time, when I had to eat constantly to avoid throwing up. There's still plenty of time for that though.
Sleep: I accidentally fell asleep with Jackson last night, at 9:30 or so. At 8 this morning when Jackson woke up I felt like I hadn't gotten enough. He was up all night though. I'm ready to pass out by 3 or 4.
Gender: Baby was exactly midline at the 6 week ultrasound. At least there was only 1 though. I'll try again at the 8 week ultrasound. I'm thinking boy, I think. I'm really really undecided this time. With Jackson, I'm pretty sure the pregnancy test told me it was a boy. I was very sure.
Names: We think we've settled on William Gale or Madeline Gale, after my grandmother. We can't pick a nickname for William yet, either Will or Liam.
Health: Well my blood pressure was something ridiculous like 140/80, but that's because Jackson was not happy about not having his blood pressure taken, and I had just been walking and wrangling around. At home it's low and getting lower as my circulatory system changes. 111/74 this morning!
Movement: Not anywhere near that point yet.
Best moment this week: Jackson is off all medicines officially and doesn't have to see cardiology for a YEAR!!! We're going to have a party next weekend. I'm going to have a cake made, but I'm not sure of what yet. I'll take pictures.
Looking forward to: Hopefully finding out that this baby is okay.
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