Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sleep Training, Day 2

So last night went well. He only woke up 3 times, which is a VAST improvement from 10+. He was awake for 55 minutes, 5 minutes, and 5 minutes. Unfortunately I accidentally fell asleep with him once, but hopefully that won't hurt too much. He only nursed 3 times, which is incredbible. He was up for the day at 6:30.

He didn't nap at all today, after trying for an hour. I think this is because his schedule was all screwed up from lack of sleep and being up so early. He went to bed very early to make up for it.

It took 35 minutes for him to fall asleep, and he slept for 45 minutes before waking again. He took 15 minutes to fall back to sleep, and he's been down for 35 minutes so far. I hope he gets another 3+ hour stretch of sleep. I could use it!

Of course I'm still not sleeping even when he is. Hopefully the insomnia will end soon.

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