You crawl and walk around chasing the cats, whispering KHEE KHA! over and over.
You give Daddy kisses and Mommy bites.
You are so sweet cuddled up next to me in the middle of the night.
You try to put things in my mouth. You're so good at sharing when you want!
You look so focused on doing something new. Daddy calls it your predator face.
You climb into my lap so I can read you a book.
You sit perfectly still, expectant, when anyone says the word book.
You love everything about books.
You spat out your pacifier so forcefully when you wanted something else in your mouth more.
You sometimes fall asleep with your head on my stomach.
You try to get coke cans like they're the best thing in the world.
You drink water like it's going to run out soon.
You shake the crap out of everything if someone says Shake it up!
You light up and bounce and run to Daddy as soon as he gets home.
You talk non stop.
You stop dead in your tracks or completely twist around to watch any animals.
You love to dance to any kind of music.
You bounce along to nursery rhymes.
I love you so much little boy.
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