Monday, January 17, 2011

Baby Routine

Well I wanted to catch up the monumental events of Jackson's life before I started posting anything else, but that's going to take a while, so I might as well get to it eventually and start posting normal stuff. 

I've been trying to figure out how badly I want to mess with Jackson's routine.  Until his most recent growth spurt, he was eating every 2 - 2 1/2 hours.  Then he'd play for about 45 minutes before he fussed that he was tired, take about 10 minutes to fall asleep, then take a 45 minute nap.  The growth spurt killed that.  Now he doesn't know what he wants.  I've been trying to stretch his awake time so that he'd take a longer nap.  It worked out so that he would have a meal every 3 1/2 hours or so and then a snack at the 1 1/2 hour mark right before his nap.  That worked, but he was up eating all night long.  So today I'm going to try my hardest not to steer him in any direction and just see what he does.  So far:

6:15 (?) up to eat then back to sleep
7:20  up for the day
8:05 a little fussy, tired?  still wants to play more than he want to fuss
8:30 hungry!
8:35 rocking and lullabies
8:50 eyes closed

10:25 awake and eating
11:10 fussy.  not bored or hungry, diaper change doesn't do it
11:20 rocking and singing
11:30 eyes closed

12:10 awake
12:20 eating
12:55 hungry/tired fuss -eating
1:05 rocking and singing
1:10 eyes close, bring to swing
1:15 smiling at reflection in mirror above swing
1:40 eyelids turning purple, done with swing, rescued by mommy
1:55 eyes closed

I'm trying to figure this out before I try and get him to nap somewhere other than the swing for the first 30 minutes and then on me for the rest.

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