My little boy was born on September 26, 2010 at 36 weeks 1 day gestation. He was 7 lbs 10 oz, 20 in, and perfectly healthy. I was induced a month early because of preeclampsia.
My pregnancy was a complete suprise. In the middle of nursing school, I never expected to get pregnant. I found out I was pregnant on February 12, 2010 in the Bradenton Central Library bathroom. I was supposed to start my period that morning. I've always been very regular, but that morning I woke up to no period, and I was pretty convinced I was pregnant. Of course, our apartment was having the sprinklers inspected, so there would be strange men coming in at any moment. This was an atmosphere conducive to pregnancy testing, so I went to Walmart, bought a test, and took it too the only place one can expect to be completely undisturbed, a library.
I was fully expecting a negative test result. This wasn't the first time I'd taken a test with a half day late period. It's a sure fire way to get it to start. The control line turned pink, and then another pink line started showing. couldn't beliver it. My stomach dropped to about my feet. I wiped off the test and recapped it, then I put it in my purse and ran to my car.
Now I was really confused. I wasn't sure what to do. First of all, I could barely believe my eyes. I did not expect a second line. We definitely weren't trying for a baby, and I had been preventing it with natural family planning, which had been working as long as we had needed it. But my brain was at least working a little, and I knew no matter how faint the line, positive is positive. I couldn't imagine telling Christopher the biggest news of our life over the phone while he was at work. At the same time, I was completely shell shocked. So of course, I called the only person you can call when you can't call your husband, mom.
I was so scared I was practically crying when I told her I was pregnant. I'll always be grateful that she was so excited for me. She reminded me that this wasn't a mistake, this was a baby. It took all of an hour for me to go from complete shock to excitement. By the time we got off the phone, I was feeling much better, at least for the moment.
But what about Christopher? I knew he would call before he came home. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't tell him on the phone, but I also couldn't not tell him. So when he did call, I settled for, Baby, I need to talk to you when you get home. Of couse he asked, About what? And I said I'll just talk to you when you get home, I love you, bye. And then he asked You're not pregnant are you? He was completely joking. But I went dead silent. And so did he. But then he told me how excited he was. I could tell he was shocked and scared too. There went not telling him on the phone. Luckily, he was on his way home, so I didn't have to wait long to see him.
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