Sunday, August 7, 2011

New House

This weekend was our first time staying at our new house. It was the home of Christopher's Great Aunt Ann, but she died 5 years ago, and the house has been vacant but maintained since then. She willed it to her grandson Skip, but he died this year also. Apparently before he died, he rejected offers to sell it, hoping for a family member to be able to use it. We're that member. We're going to be able to live here rent free. We really can't believe how incredibly lucky we are.
The house is in amazing condition, especially for being built in 1956 and vacant for 5 years. It has some minor issues, like paint and a broken washing machine, but it is such an incredible gift. It's only 15 minutes away from work for C, instead of 45. It has a garage (!!) so my car won't be so hot when I put J in it. The garage even has a storage loft for all of our crap. It will be wonderful to get the random Babies R Us items out of our living room. It has 2 bedrooms, which means J will have his own room. Not that he'll be in it at night, but hopefully he'll nap there and we can begin to think about having our own bed again. Just as soon as I'm okay with not cuddling with him all night long and seeing his sweet smiles in the morning.
The neighborhood is wonderful. It's squarely middle class and not deed restricted at all, but I really like that. There's a group of kids playing all around the neighborhood running through backyards in the evening. It's so odd to see such a young presence after living in god's waiting room for so long. It's cool to be in a real living city again. Well, suburb. There are real stores close by! We're less than 10 minutes from the closest beach. And there's a real sno ball stand!!!! Oh man, if I had known that when I was pregnant with J, I would have driven up here daily. That was my only real craving. There's a park with baby swings in walking distance, but it's too hot to walk that far for now. It's only about a 15 minute walk, but in 95* weather, J would vehemently protest. This winter though, it will be awesome to avoid the car seat struggle to get him to the park. Baby swings are the best thing that ever happened to him.

He took his first steps this weekend! Just 1 on Friday, and then 2 today. He's been standing unassisted longer and longer. It's so insane to see him standing up all on his own. He can stand for about 30 seconds at the longest, but usually it's very brief before he realizes what he's doing and plops down. I don't think real walking is very far away now. Probably within a month or so he'll be walking all over the place.
He still sleeps like crap. I'm hoping for 4 hours in a row by the time he's 2. That's realistic, right? He's about every hour right now. More once I go to bed. I'd like to have another baby, but I can't imagine handling 2 night waking children at once. Or tandem night nursing. Dear f-ing god. I'll probably have to wean him before I get sleep. That's going to be awful.
He's also started saying mama. Of course, he usually says it when he's mad about something or is hungry.It's basically the coolest thing ever. I can't wait for I love you mama. I also got my first mommy fingers underneath the bathroom door today. That was adorable.

I feel like we're starting a new chapter of life, as corny as that sounds. I really feel at home here. I can't wait to really move in!

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